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New Manga Section Added to Site

Courtesy of MangaFox, we are now featuring manga updates to relevant series posted on our site. This information will automatically update based on the RSS feed, so simply check the "Manga" tab to the right for the latest releases, which will take you to the corresponding MangaFox page.

I believe that Anime and Manga go hand in hand (a large percentage of all anime start off as manga) and often, you can find a continuation of the storyline and plot not present in the anime. Suzuka is one relevant example, the plot in the anime only goes about halfway through the actual storyline, though if you read the manga, you can find out the conclusion for yourself.

Right now the three Manga series we are covering are:
  • Kimi no Iru Machi
  • Good Ending (GE)
  • Sket Dance
...with more to come in the future! So once again simply check out the Manga tab to the right for updates to these featured series.

(PS- For those of you were wondering, our featured music has not gone away. It is still accessible via our StreamPad music player below, and we will expand on alternative means to access this music at a later date).

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