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Anime Inspirations 1 Month Anniversary!

Greetings everyone, I am happy to announce that Anime Inspirations has reached its 1 month anniversary! It has been quite a wild ride, but one thing is for certain, I would not be here without our loyal visitors to this site. All of the efforts towards this site have been by its sole webmaster, Viserys (Shane Sheffey). I founded this site on March 23, 2012, based on a whim mostly, and I am proud that I have kept up my motivation to put the daily work in required.

Basically, the premise is that I wanted to share my interest in anime with as many people as I could. That being said, I was always typically fond of a particular genre, one of which was hard to define. Generally I feel if you can easily relate to a particular media source, there is more to draw from it, making your whole viewing experience all the more worthwhile. If you are able to take away something at the conclusion of a series, be it a lesson learned, helpful advice, or a deep emotional impact, this is time well spent.

Anime, much like any form of visual media, has many genres and audiences it is geared toward. Here at Anime Inspirations, we look at a particular title thoroughly to see if said title will be a worthwhile watch. Not only that the title must follow our general premise of providing and inspirational and emotionally touching viewing experience. I can guarantee that each and every series will provide you, the viewer something to draw from after watching, something that inspired you, or something that simply touched your heart in some way. One last criteria is that each series must fulfill, is that the title in question must be believable. That is why many of our featured series fall under the "Slice of Life" genre. Ultimately, you could take a scene out of any title and say, "Yeah, I can see this happening in real life, this story as a whole, is believable". If you have magic and supernatural phenomenon littered throughout, I don't know of anyone who could realistically relate to that.

Our 1st month site stats:
1133 Site Views
18 Facebook Likes
Hours Spent - Priceless

More after the jump.

For some of those new to the site I will cover some of the features you will find here at Anime

  • Coverage on your favorite Slice of Life, Romance and Comedy Anime
  • Manga updates (via RSS Feed) to relevant Anime titles courtesy of MangaFox
  • Our Catalog of Anime featured under our criteria (11 Titles and growing)
  • Forums and Chat (under development)
  • Featured Anime music and Overclocked Remixes available for stream/download
  • And Much more to come!
I must give a thank you to all the loyal visitors to this site, and those who have shown their interest and support. It really means a lot to me. This site is a passion of mine, and I am willing to put the time in to create something great down the line, and build upon the foundation that has been set.

Please continue to show your support! Any questions or comments you can send them to our Chat (located on the sidebar), our contact page, or our forums.

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